Good Day, God!
Thank You for Rainbows! I hope I never tire of them. Even a photo of them cheers me. Light and Color circling across the sky! Marvelous!
And thanks too for my battery being charged enough to “run” the Appreciation App. What a difference that makes! I’m truly understanding my NEED to recharge! Or to use Your words, my need to keep a Sabbath Day every week.
I canceled today’s two afternoon outings but then decided to go with my husband, Kit, as he got his ears cleaned. I’d thought we’d sign up for hearing aids right then. But, now we are going to do some comparing.
It is easier — although, not cheaper — to take a friend’s referral on such matters. But, this morning another friend gave a different referral. Ah, now it has become a more complex choice instead of just a GO! Ah well. Please help us explore, God.
So, God, what does my Day look like? I walked and then we breakfasted with our Monday friends — laughing even more than usual. Then off I went with Kit to his ear cleaning and then out to lunch with him at Zippys. I have napped and read. Made pesto. And solved a long standing computer problem, thanks to a 45-minute phone conversation with an Apple Senior Advisor. I have had a lovely relaxed day, God.
Kit went off to visit my Mom — which I had planned to do. He enjoys the visits and the games too. And I was still deep into following phone directions from Tracy the Apple expert. Now I’m listening to Bach as I write. My biological optimism is back!
And I am smiling.
Filed under: recharging my battery, recovery time, refraining from work, rejoicing, relaxation, sabbath rest Tagged: amomentwithgod, rainbows, recharging, rest