Good Day, God!
We have been home for 7 days now . . . and I am happy. I’m always happy to be home. But, this time it is home after our third major trip — in a row! It’s not just that I am having to allow recovery time — FUN does take TIME to recover from — but exhaustion is cumulative.
I used to complain that we humans ought to have some sort of meter or graph that showed us how low our Energy Account was. (Now THERE is a potential Health App!) But, I am learning that our bodies are quite happy to tell us — IF we are willing to listen!
My Being seems much more willing to hear my body nowadays. Well, yes, being sick after the first trip . . . and then having an attack of plantar fasciitis . . . that helped get my Body some Respect! After weeks of eating the Standard American Diet (lots of SUGAR) . . . I was not at all surprised to find myself suffering from inflammation! So, it was off the sugar and breads and pastries and cookies, oh my! And after only a month or two of CLEAN LIVING my left heel feels fine.
Actually, it isn’t just my body that is getting more respect. My own priorities — as opposed to the priorities of worthy groups or other worthy folks — are getting more respect and time. Yesterday I passed up a worthy meeting to invest 3 hours of heavy labor in our downstairs carport-garden. Imagine, God, I have 30 pots!
Now that we are home for the rest of the year, I am bringing my palms back inside. I love green, growing plants. Hmm. I love the feeling that I might be growing, too. Growing out of old cultural world views — like getting confused about “selfish” and “self care.”
So, God, now I am going to go and invest a few minutes in Stretching. And then I will rest. And then it is off to another “worthy” meeting.
Filed under: accepting my ability to REDESIGN, authority over my life, Balancing and adjustments, being repotted, Changing, Cherishing our Bodies, choices, connecting, days of rest as conservation days?, food questions Tagged: energy levels, Inflammation, recovery, respect for my body, rest