Good Evening, God!
I do love Central Union Church’s 7 a.m. service in Atherton Chapel . . . but we slept in this Sunday.
So, we got to go to the class after the 9:00 a.m. service and hear Biblical scholar Tom Robinson talk about the book of Genesis. He started by telling his wish that we Christians could be more like Jews. He said the Jews understand the Bible is History! Many Christians view it more like Greek myths and don’t really get that these were real people, doing real things in real places.
REAL! Right, God! REAL! Hearing that was a Wake Up Call! A slap on the side of the head.
You are far more real — and just far more — than I can comprehend. But, You long for me to step out of my busy world of worries and cares and step into Your World of Love and Joy and Peace. Those are just a few of the qualities that the Bible refers to as the Fruit of the Spirit. As we open to Your Holy Spirit and let it take root deep inside of us . . . the Spirit will bring a richer and deeper sense of Peace as well as a spirit of Joy — a joy that bubbles up and around our burdens.
Centering is one pathway into Your world. Praise and worship are another. One-on-one praying with a friend is another. And, yes, “sitting Your Presence” and letting my thoughts and words flow is yet another pathway.
Today was a day entirely at home. I had no idea that having nothing on the calendar would be so refreshing. But, after my 3 mile walk/jog I came home — had a bite to eat with my wonderful husband, Kit, Centered and took a two hour nap. WOW!
Yes, God, I’m retired. I can do this more often — entering more fully into the Peace You give.
Filed under: Centering Prayer, connecting, letting the Holy Spirit flow through us, Peace, Prayer, rest Tagged: centering prayer, Fruit of the Spirit, Holy Spirit, peace, praying, rest